IMAGINE living a life to your true potential
Make NOW the Time You Become the Leader of Your Life. A Life Overflowing With Clarity & Purpose. A Life of Freedom and Joy. 

Introducing LANDMARK - The 12-Month Life-Changing Group Experience for Highly-Driven Professional Women ready for a life on THEIR TERMS, a life of FREEDOM, LEADERSHIP and IMPACT

 to own your dreams FULLY and let go of the stories you've been telling yourself that are stopping you from making those dreams a reality
to step into your power and embrace your superpowers with conviction
to take the first step as a leader and role-model with CONFIDENCE
and with UNWAVERING BELIEF in your future 
and your role in the world.

The LANDMARK Members Club is for You If…

YOU ARE a courageous woman ready to step into the best version of herself and take responsibility for her growth and development. You are ready to own your journey.
You are serious about taking control over your own life, your actions, behaviours and choices.
You are DONE playing small and wasting time trying to find your way on your own.

YOU ARE a high achieving professional who wants to become a role-model in her workplace.
You have big dreams but no clear path towards making them your reality. 
There is so much you would like to do but you become absorbed in the rush of your daily life and find yourself overwhelmeds and often stuck in the same place over and over again.

YOU HAVE reached a point in your life where you are keen to invest in yourself, deepen your personal strengths and identify your edge as a leader. 
You are driven and motivated, you like taking action and you are firmly set on a path 
towards success and fulfilment. 
And you want the support, the community and the guidance to help you keep taking those bold steps.

Landmark Club is a community of women who know that the journey to success, fulfilment and 
impact is more fun TOGETHER. 
We know that, in order to be the leaders that we know we are meant to be for those around us, 
we need to take the first step and become the leaders of our own lives first. 
​​We know that together, we, not only feel inspired to take those bold actions that we need to take, 
but we are able to break through every limitation that has been holding us back from 
stepping into our true greatness.
​We know that we thrive when we feel included, listened to, seen and 
accepted for exactly who we are. 
We value:
And it is our mission to create and embody these values both 
for ourselves and for those around us!

The decisions you make and the actions you take 
have the ability to completely 
transform your life. 

You DESERVE to be excited about your life.

Joy is your birth right. 

And YOU, YOUR BODY, YOUR MIND and YOUR SOUL are your GREATEST ASSETS in making joy your reality.
And… you deserve a shortcut! 
You shouldn’t have to put in years of hard grind before you turn your life around. You deserve the fast track of powerful practices to get you big results in your busy schedule. 
It's also time to let go of the excuses, the playing small, the procrastination,
the things that hold you back and no longer serve you.


SO,  what if TODAY, you made the decision to take back the reigns of your life 
and to step into your true potential?

No more PUSHING you and your priorities to the bottom of your list
No more COMPROMISES with your dreams, your gifts and your talents
No more SETTLING for a life that is not to your true potential 
No more PLAYING SMALL with a lack of direction, clarity or motivation
​AND no more letting other people or the society DICTATE your decisions 
and the direction of your life

Whatever challenges you’ve been through in your past and 
whatever your life looks like right now, you have the power to 
turn it around and create your own extraordinary work of art. 

worthy of the LEADER and ROLE MODEL you know you are.

And after all we've been through in the last couple of years, can you afford to spend any more time in uncertainty and not put yourself firmly in the driver's seat of your life?


Are you ready to stop playing small and step into your true greatness?
Are you ready to gain the courage, the confidence and the determination to follow your dreams and make the impact you were meant to make in the world?

LANDMARK is an exclusive members club created to help women step into their true power and make an impact in the world. 

It takes you on a journey towards SELF-LEADERSHIP, TRANSFORMATION and GROWTH by following the four stages of the NEXT LEVEL LIFE framework where you connect with your next-level life vision, you activate the leadership potential that lies hidden inside of you and you apply that in all areas of your life, by taking 
small and consistent steps towards your true greatness.

It's a journey of transformation that allows you to experience powerful mindset shifts,  develop supercharged behaviours and integrate leadership traits that align with your next level identity.

It gives you the chance to unlock the secret to creating the harmony and balance that you've been craving in your life, so you can show up powerfully and be fully present in relation to your true priorities.

And it empowers you to stop letting life happen to you, putting you firmly in the driver’s seat of your destiny. 

Because YOU are meant to LEAD, not to FOLLOW!

AND I know that no matter thow many incredible things you achieved so far in your life - way more than anyone around you, for sure - deep down 
inside of you there is that feeling 
that you can do MORE, 
that you are capable of MORE, 
that you are meant for MORE

Because what you have experienced for a long time now, is that, no matter how many
things you achieve, you still experience that feeling of UNFULFILMENT. And you might say to yourself "Oh, there's this one other thing I should do because, when I do it or when I get there, 
I'll definitely have it/feel it/experience it ALL!"


And trust me, I get that, I was in exactly the same place during my 
decade-long career in corporate London, riddled with anxiety, feeling unworthy, kind of lonely, judged and misunderstood, suffocated by the comfort bubble I was living in but at the same time feeling guilty because I was deemed as "selfish" or "ungrateful" for the life that I had - all because I wanted MORE for myself, 
my life and the world around me.
And what I realised it that TRUE FULFILMENT has got NOTHING to do with DOING MORE or achieving more


It's about bringing focus on how you think, how you feel, how you see yourself, the decisions you make every moment of your life (big ones or little ones) and how you show up in every area of your life. It's about getting to know yourself, your dreams, your desires, your priorities, your passions, the things that truly light you up.
It's about stepping into the courage to define what HAVING IT ALL means for you, to bring light on your own idea of success and to live a life of ALIGNMENT with who you are and who you are meant to be.

And YES, these are some bold statements but we believe that we can create the most extraordinary life for ourselves if we become the masters of our daily choices, our behaviours, our thoughts, our emotions - because these form the basis of our IDENTITY!

And this is what the LANDMARK community helps you with!

This is your chance to make every year going forward, your BEST YEAR EVER as you step into the NEXT LEVEL IDENTITY and create that ripple of powerful change around you.

The question is...


A truly successful life starts with a healthy body, so the first phase is all about developing a mindset of deep gratitude for the most amazing asset that we have at our disposal: our body. So the focus in this first phase goes on developing powerful habits around physical wellbeing, boosting energy and reducing the effect of environmental factors

Monthly areas of focus: 


Emotional, mental and spiritual strength have the power to move you quickly and forcefully towards your biggest goals AND your next level life. They lay the basis of your identity, of who you are, so this phase is all about creating a deep awareness around and connection with yourself and the true priority in your life.

Monthly areas of focus:


Professional development and financial mastery are a fundamental part of a successful life. Learn strategies to take your career to the next level, make discipline and productivity easy and learn the strategies that will accelerate your action-taking towards the results you want.

Monthly areas of focus:


Now that you have defined the person who you want to become and learnt to make some really powerful choices for yourself and your life, you can bring together all areas of your life and create the vision of your own extraordinary High Performance life. This is where you become truly UNSTOPPABLE!

Monthly areas of focus:


12 Month Experience
The LANDMARK Vault of Workshops and Masterclasses
(plus any other future masterclasses)
Live Power Practices (Meditations, Breathwork, Activations, Sound Healing)
Monthly Coaching and Q&A Sessions
Workbooks and Practical
Accountability & Support
Private Community of 
Like-minded People

PIF Bonus: 90min 1to1 Soul Immersion Session with Soul Gifts, 
Life Purpose and Highest Vision Activation (valued at £550)

Paid in Full: £1100
Monthly: £110


Everything in VIP plus 

4 x 1to1 60min Leadership Accelerator Coaching Sessions (valued at £1100)

Deep Dive in Human Design and Gene Keys profile with full PDF report, to understand who you are at the core 
through your energetic blueprint (valued at £550)

90min 1to1 Soul Immersion Session with Soul Gifts, 
Life Purpose and Highest Vision Activation (valued at £550)

PIF BONUS: Weekly Accountability and Check-in Via Private Message (£770)

Paid in Full: £3300
Monthly: £330

Don’t wait another year to fall in love with your own life!
The only limited resource in life is time, so let's make every minute count in 2024!

THIS is the self-leadership journey for the woman
 who is ready for greatness!

This life transformation journey is for you IF:

You are ready to become a shining light for those around you and embrace the responsibility
to share your fabulous gifts, talents, skills and knowledge with the world.
You want to step away from burnout and overwhelm in your personal and professional life and 
create a life of purpose and joy by creating the life balance and harmony you've always 
dreamt of and bringing intentional focus on your true priorities in your life.
You want to be a part of a supportive community of conscious women who are ready to 
stand out, be bold and make an impact in the world
​You know you are made for more and you're 100% committed to creating a life worthy of 
the LEADER and ROLE-MODEL you know you are
AND you want to have a solid framework that you can follow step by step, a mentor that 
tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear and a space 
where you feel supported, seen and understood.

What can you expect from being a Landmark Member?

At the end of the 12 month' experience you can expect to think differently, behave differently and 
see yourself and the world around you from a brand new, more powerful perspective

You can expect to know, see, feel and trust that you are the true priority in your life and 
putting yourself first makes your life and the lives of those around you so much more amazing

You can expect to show up powerfully in your everyday life, through your choices, behaviours and empowered attitude, and face challenges with courage and grace, being true to who you are

You can expect to see the beauty in yourself and the world, wake up with intention and 
go to bed with deep gratitude for who you are, what you do and 
all that you are surrounded with.

You can expect clarity, focus and enthusiasm, as you will have the tools, knowledge and 
support system to keep you accountable for your dreams and to help you navigate the highs 
and the lows. You don't have to do it alone anymore! And no more giving up on 
your dreams and goals!!

With the information, tools, guidance and support you will be able to create your own vision 
for your life, your own definition of success, your own perception of what having it ALL means to you, 
and learn how you can be the leader of your own life. That is SELF-LEADERSHIP!

And more importantly, through the new empowered thoughts, choices, behaviours, decisions and actions you have the ability to make for yourself and your life, you will step into becoming a role model and leader for those around you, so you make the impact you are meant to make in the world. 
Do these sound like things you want to experience in your life?



12 Month Experience
The LANDMARK Vault of Workshops and Masterclasses
(plus any other future masterclasses)
Live Power Practices (Meditations, Breathwork, Activations, Sound Healing)
Monthly Coaching and Q&A Sessions
Workbooks and Practical Exercises
Accountability & Support
Private Community of 
Like-minded People

PIF Bonus: 90min 1to1 Soul Immersion Session with Soul Gifts, 
Life Purpose and Highest Vision Activation (valued at £550)

Paid in Full: £1100
Monthly: £110


Everything in VIP plus 

4 x 1to1 60min Leadership Accelerator Coaching Sessions (valued at £1100)

Deep Dive in Human Design and Gene Keys profile with full PDF report, to understand who you are at the core 
through your energetic blueprint (valued at £550)

90min 1to1 Soul Immersion Session with Soul Gifts, 
Life Purpose and Highest Vision Activation (valued at £550)

PIF BONUS: Weekly Accountability and Check-in Via Private Message (valued at £770)

Paid in Full: £3300
Monthly: £330

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the main benefit of becoming a member of Landmark members Club?
    Being a member of Landmark is an invitation to join a self-leadership, transformation and growth journey that takes you on a path of developing clarity around the dream life that you would like to create and live. You are guided through a process of assessment, of connecting with your true values, elevating your entire being and of identifying the action plan towards taking control of your daily life, through developing new and powerful mindset shifts, leadership traits and behaviours in all of the four fundamental areas of life, as well as in the subsections of each area. It is a unique self-discovery journey that enables you to create a MANUAL for your next-level life which will give you clarity about who you want to be, what life do you want to have and what is the bigger impact that you want to make in the world. it allows you to become the LANDMARK in your sace and show up in your life as the most powerful and influential version of you.
  • When does the experience run from?
    Your experience inside Landmark begins when you join, for a full 12 months or for as long as you feel it benefits you. You will have access to a bonus Next Level Life Vision Assessment session for which details will be provided upon joining. Access to the Landmark Training Vault and Community will be granted immediately as we want to get to know you straight away and make sure your experience is overwhelm-free!
    • How is this program different than any other self-growth experiences out there?
      A lot of community programs available right now bring with them a lot of benefits. Landmark is unique in the sense that it supports you in becoming the undeniable leader of your own life, so you can then expand those leadership capabilities in the world around you. It teaches you how to focus on BEING more, rather than DOING, which enables you to access the hidden potential inside of you and become the best version of yourself. It allows you to step into your true greatness in a way that is aligned with who you are and who you are meant to be, and not by following a template. It supports you in identifying a vision for every area of your life and identify the steps to follow towards your next level life – and it offers the tools and support you need to maintain your motivation and momentum until you reach your ambitious goal. You are also surrounded by other committed women helping you along the way and cheering you towards your next level, so you never have to feel that you are on your own.
      • What’s included in the program?
        The Landmark Club experience includes: Training Sessions and Workshops, Live Power Practices (Meditations, Activations, Breathwork, Sound Healing), Workbooks and Practical Exercises, Journal Prompts and Reflections, Accountability & Support, Private Community of Like-minded individuals. Plus for the Pinnacle option, you have access to: 4 powerful 90min 1to1 Leadership Sessions, 1 x Deep-dive exploration of your true self and life purpose through your Human Design and Gene Keys, Weekly support via message on VOXER, as well as focus on Business Strategy and Income genrating tools. 
        • How much time do I need to allocate for the program?
          We like to believe that your experience inside our Landmark Club will be so transformational for you that you will not need to count the hours you invest in it but rest assured that one of the fundamental principles that we bring forward in the program is the idea of doing less for greater results. We don't want to overwhelm you with lengthy training sessions but there will be lots of reflection exercises and when it comes to reflection and self awareness, the deeper you go the bigger the breakthroughs you experience. Being a LANDMARK member is an investment in yourself, and when it comes to how worthy of such investment you are, that's a decision that only you can make. 
          • Is there a refund policy?
            The Landmark Members Club is for committed individuals only. If you read up to this point and it doesn't bring you a "HELL YEAH! I want this!" kind of feeling, then perhaps it is not for you! There are no refunds under any circumstances.

            Emma Corpade
            is an Elite Performance Coach and a multi-passionate entrepreneur with more than a decade in the business world. Following an award-winning career in one of London’s most prestigious corporate organizations, Emma transitioned into entrepreneurship as a way of pursuing her deep interest in human psychology, travel, and creative design and making an impact in people’s lives on a much bigger scale.
            Passionate about empowering and inspiring women to succeed, Emma holds nothing back when it comes to sharing her message, whether that is as a speaker on global stages or via her top-rated podcast, Success Redefined Podcast, and believes that we all have a responsibility to take bold and consistent action towards becoming the role-models and leaders the world so desperately needs.
            As a Coach, she supports highly driven women, entrepreneurs and business leaders, on their journey towards creating a life on their terms, a life of flexibility and freedom which allows them to create the impact that they want to create in the world while doing more of the things that matter the most in their life. 
            Find out more at

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