And it empowers you to stop letting life happen to you, putting you firmly in the driver’s seat of your destiny.
Because YOU are meant to LEAD, not to FOLLOW!
AND I know that no matter thow many incredible things you achieved so far in your life - way more than anyone around you, for sure - deep down
inside of you there is that feeling
that you can do MORE,
that you are capable of MORE,
that you are meant for MORE
Because what you have experienced for a long time now, is that, no matter how many
things you achieve, you still experience that feeling of UNFULFILMENT. And you might say to yourself "Oh, there's this one other thing I should do because, when I do it or when I get there,
I'll definitely have it/feel it/experience it ALL!"
And trust me, I get that, I was in exactly the same place during my
decade-long career in corporate London, riddled with anxiety, feeling unworthy, kind of lonely, judged and misunderstood, suffocated by the comfort bubble I was living in but at the same time feeling guilty because I was deemed as "selfish" or "ungrateful" for the life that I had - all because I wanted MORE for myself,
my life and the world around me.
And what I realised it that TRUE FULFILMENT has got NOTHING to do with DOING MORE or achieving more
It's about bringing focus on how you think, how you feel, how you see yourself, the decisions you make every moment of your life (big ones or little ones) and how you show up in every area of your life. It's about getting to know yourself, your dreams, your desires, your priorities, your passions, the things that truly light you up.
It's about stepping into the courage to define what HAVING IT ALL means for you, to bring light on your own idea of success and to live a life of ALIGNMENT with who you are and who you are meant to be.
And YES, these are some bold statements but we believe that we can create the most extraordinary life for ourselves if we become the masters of our daily choices, our behaviours, our thoughts, our emotions - because these form the basis of our IDENTITY!
And this is what the LANDMARK community helps you with!
This is your chance to make every year going forward, your BEST YEAR EVER as you step into the NEXT LEVEL IDENTITY and create that ripple of powerful change around you.
The question is...